About RV Capital
RV Capital is an investment management company. It manages separately managed accounts for institutional clients including some of the world's largest endowments. In addition, it is a sub-advisor to the Business Owner fund.
RV Capital invests worldwide across all sectors. Investments are selected based on four criteria: Will the company be around and flourishing in ten or more years’ time? Is the company building a long-term competitive advantage? Does the management set the right example? And is the price attractive? If all four criteria are met, the fund buys with the intention to own for a long time. Concentration in single companies is high with around 10 holdings in the portfolio.
RV Capital is a purpose-driven company. It aims to make its investors, companies, and fellow investment managers more successful by being a thoughtful and engaged partner. RV hosts all three constituencies at its Annual Gathering every January in Engelberg.
Rob Vinall is the founder and managing director of RV Capital. He started RV in 2006 and lives in Kilchberg, Switzerland with his wife and three children.
Andreas Lechner is the co-managing director of RV Capital. He is based in Wollerau, Switzerland with his wife and son.